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Speech from the President


"Four years ago, I had the pleasure of joining the Rotary family. In 2019, I found out about the existence of Interact, then the idea of founding a club in Nova Prata came up. The club was a real accomplishment for me and helped me a lot in some moments and situations. The companionship and the spirit of helping people has always enchanted me, and within the Rotary family I realized that the friendships we make here are for the rest of our lives. When I decided to found the club, I went after people who I knew they were interested in doing good in the community. There, meetings took place in the living room, with five people, until today, with almost a year in the club, we have more than twenty members who demonstrate dedication and commitment in all achievements for We were honored to be part of Interact and to know that my colleagues trust me to the point of choosing me as president.

As Gandhi once said, 'Be the change you want to see in the world' ".

Lavínia Dalla Giacomassa - President 2020-22

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Speech from the President

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"Almost a year ago, I ended up being invited to join a club with other teenagers. At that time, I did not know the real meaning this would have for me.

Being part of Interact has become a part of who I am, because it was through the club that I met wonderful and different people, all driven by the idea of helping each other, and I learned to deal with many situations and express myself through of speech.

I am completely in love with the idea that even someone ordinary, like me, can really help other people and I ended up developing this skill together with the friends I made along the way. We are few and young, but the unselfish heart of our Interact shows us that we are capable and that we will make a difference."

Érica - Vice-President 2020-21

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